Final Exam
The Final Exam is due by January 15th/June 15th.
Welcome to the Final Exam! This is worth 60 points, plus a class survey that gives you the chance to earn 10 extra points to make up for any you may have missed. Send your work to with the subject line Fiction FinalExam - HOL name.
Short Answer
1. What is expository writing supposed to do?
2. What is fiction easily defined as?
3. What is the role of the antagonist and protagonist?
4. What is a genre?
5. Briefly explain what a climax in a story is.
Fill in the Blanks
1. You see the ____ character grow throughout the story and their _____ changes as the story progresses.
2. The _____ characters we only see about one to two times and they are mentioned very ____.
3. Fantasy is the faculty or activity of ______ things, especially things that are _____ or improbable.
4. The _____ genre is a type of fiction in which a _____, or other professional, solves a crime or series of crimes.
5. _____ characters (also sometimes called ____ characters) do not change too much throughout a story.
True or False
1. Round characters never change their personalities in a story.
2. The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was finished in 1939.
3. Tertiary characters are also called changing or dynamic characters.
4. The character(s) that the protagonist can depend on are called static characters.
5. A novella is 17,500 words to just under 40,000 words.
Fiction Topics:
15 points
Pick a topic related to fiction that was not covered in this class and discuss it a bit. What is it and how does it relate to Fiction? When is this encountered in Fiction? Perhaps, what fiction books have this in them? All of these questions depend on what you choose but provide a lot of detail. Minimum of 100 words.
15 points
To write a book, there are a lot of things you have to take into consideration like what the next chapter is going to involve and remembering what you write now will affect that. Like writing, logic puzzles have you take a lot into consideration as well.
Five students each have their own favorite genre and visit the library at a different time to pick up their books. Figure out which student likes which genre and what time they visited the library.
1. Rebecca went at 11 am, one hour before Ruby.
2. Of the person whose favorite genre is science fiction and the person who likes comics, one was Alice and the other went at 12 pm.
3. The person who left at 1 pm was not William, Ruby, or Calvin.
4. The person who went at 2 pm, the person who likes comics, William, Rebecca, and the person who went at 1 PM were all different people.
5. The person who likes mystery the most isn't William.
6. The person who likes fantasy is Rebecca.

Alternatively, choose a genre that you really like and design a cover to a book in that genre that would appeal to you the most. What would catch your attention? Would it be a battle scene of sorts or more of a peaceful setting? You can design your cover through any means whether you'd prefer to draw it out or describe it in at least 100 words.
Class Survey
10 points
This is an opportunity to make up for any points you may have missed throughout the class. Your responses are greatly appreciated as it helps me to improve the class for the next term.
When you submit your final exam, just mention that you completed this survey and I can check for your name under the completed surveys.