Assignment Four
This assignment is due by January 15th/June 15th.
Please send your homework to with the subject line Fiction HW4-HOL name. If for any reason, something is not accessible to anyone, please let me know and I can come up with an alternative option.
Short Answer
(10 points - 2 points each)
1. Who is the protagonist?
2. What is the climax of a story?
3. What is a setting?
4. What is meant by a story's resolution?
5. What could a writer do that would hint at there being a sequel?
(If false, correct them, 10 points)
1. The antagonist is the character that causes conflict in a story.
2. The protagonist is never the main character.
3. The climax of the story usually happens at the beginning of the book.
4. Writers build on their character's personalities as the story progresses.
5. The resolution of a story is where the story takes place.
(10 points)
What do you think about Protagonists? Do you feel like they're always looking out for others or are they looking out for themselves? For this prompt, choose a protagonist from any book and examine their behaviors. Do they do what they do for the 'greater good' or is it something more personal? Minimum of 100 words.
Hero's Journey:
(10 points)
Pick any book where you can clearly see a hero's journey taking place. Describe the hero and how they follow the typical 'Hero's Journey'. Minimum 100 words.
Protagonist Vs. Antagonist
(20 points)
Describe the differences and similarities between a protagonist and an antagonist. What makes them either hero or villain? Do you think who the antagonist and protagonist is really depends on the narrator? Do you think the antagonist could have been the protagonist and vice versa if they had reacted differently? (150 word minimum)
Puzzle Time:
Take a screenshot of your finished puzzle, upload it to an image hosting site, and send me the link. (10 points)
Art Project:
(10 points)
The antagonist or "bad guy" usually has a menacing dwelling that they live in. Design such a dwelling that a villain would inhabit. You can do this however you wish. The dwelling can be menacing, or rather normal looking as a disguise for the character to live. Have fun with this, there are really no requirements for your house. You can draw the house however you want. (If for accessibility reasons you are unable to complete the art project, you can instead describe the house in at least 100 words).
Background Characters:
(20 points)
In most books, there are background characters that we see come in and out of the story. Sometimes, we don't know a lot about these secondary characters. Their personality never comes through because they are not especially important to the story. What do you think? Should a secondary character's personalities shine through a bit more? Should we learn more about them as the story progresses, or do you think that they should be largely ignored if they aren't important to the story? (150 words minimum)
(30 points)
The last quest you are to embark on! Like always, this quest can be completed in two ways. The first is a creative writing prompt and the second is a puzzle. If you choose the creative writing prompt, send me your finished result via HOL message and I'll send you the password ASAP. If you choose to complete the puzzle, it will point you towards the password.
Set the scene:
Pick any fiction genre and describe the scene your book would start in. For instance, if I were to go with Science Fiction, I describe my character starting off on the moon, surrounded by high tech gear or I could go with them sitting in the futuristic home asking their home robot to make them a... mocha drink of sorts :P. Pretty much endless directions you could go with this. It will all depend on the genre you choose and the story you are telling. You can be as crazy and absurd as you want as long as it is at least 100 words and sets the scene. Once you finish, send it to me via HOL message and I'll respond ASAP with the password.

Once you have the password, add it to the end of
Remember: If the password is more than one word, do not add spaces. Send me a link to the page, a description of the picture there or the alt text below it, and, if you completed the puzzle task, your finished puzzle.